Since 2019 I am the tutor for photography for OfG-Online Schule für Gestaltung (online school for design)


I also teach workshops for:

For Professional Photographers

Since 2011, I have been offering various photography workshops. These include a 10 day workshop for young professional photographers in Khartoum, Sudan, as well as a similar workshop in Cairo, both organised by the German Goethe Institute.

For Communication Officers

I also offer further training for communication officers, such as that provided for the World Food Programme at an international conference in Istanbul, Turkey.


For Amateur Photographers
Also, I taught a workshop in Istanbul for amateur photographers together with my colleague, Andrea Künzig. As FOTOFIESTA Team I taught together with colleague Björn Göttlicher a workshop in Barcelona.


Copyright © 2021 Claudia Wiens


IG @everydaysustainable


Member of Women Photograph

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